


About ProNT



Supported by


ProNT GmbH



Chair of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, TU Dresden


Phone    +49 351 841 90 897

Cell         +49 179 753 18 50

Fax         +49 351 404 61 380




Visit Address:

Chair of materials science and nanotechnology, TU Dresden

Hallwachstrasse 3

01069 Dresden



Our company is engaged in the production of Carbon NanoTubes with defined electronic properties. Our products are "Ready-to-Use" materials, which can be used in innovative devices in microelectronics / semiconductor industry.



Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have extraordinary electronic and thermal conductivities and are very attractive materials for the use in innovative electronic devices like computer chips, sensors, displays and other.


Conventional processes to produce CNTs are not optimal, they yield a mixture of metallic and semiconducting CNTs, having also admixture of other chemical substances like catalysts. This induces failures and dysfunctions, when integrated in the CNT-based applications.


Our know-how is a new method of catalyst-free production of large amounts of CNTs with defined electronic properties, either semiconducting or metallic.


Our production procedure yields "ready-to-use" CNTs allowing the direct application by customers without a pre-treatment. We aim to provide the optimally designed CNTs for the individual needs of customers from R&D and industry.





Copyright © 2016 ProNT GmbH

